A full enterprise solution for the Zorginstituut Nederland.

About The Client
Zorginstituut Nederland is an advisory and executive organization in the field of healthcare. ZINL has a key role in the Dutch healthcare system. Quality, accessibility and affordability are the main pillars of the Dutch healthcare system, ZINL ensures that these pillars form a strong foundation for a healthy system. Zorginstituut Nederland is one of the cornerstone organizations of the Dutch healthcare system. Next to ZINL we worked very closely with Dutch software developer Garansys on this project, one of our key partners.
What was needed is much more than just a portal – it’s a full enterprise solution, containing both state-of-the-art CMS and DMS. Gathering and distribution of information related to the healthcare system are the basis to ensure continuous improvement of the healthcare system. This portal would play a crucial role in that process by allowing healthcare providers to collaborate and share information, which they can use to continuously improve healthcare quality standards.