Fully Responsive Web Portal for Hospital employees.

About The Client
Zorginstituut Nederland is an advisory and executive organization in the field of healthcare. ZINL plays a key role in the Dutch healthcare system. Quality, accessibility and affordability are the main pillars of the Dutch healthcare system, ZINL ensures that these pillars form a strong foundation for a healthy system. Zorginstituut Nederland is one of the cornerstone organizations of the Dutch healthcare system. Next to ZINL we worked very closely with Dutch software developer Garansys on this project, one of our key partners.
By using this portal, hospital employees should be equipped with a database of possible diseases, a list of occurring symptoms and the proposed therapies used for treatments. Ann extra module also needed to be added, where managers can interact as an admin on the platform. This way they can change general settings and keep track of who is able to do what and in which way.